IFE Italia

4.I progetti internazionali di IFE Europa(1): ANTIKO

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: "Peace and Security – Feminist Alternative’’
martedì 3 agosto 2010

Antico, a Women’s Civic Initiative is celebrating 10th anniversary this year. In September 1999, during the time of the Kosovo war and refuge crises, women activists and leaders in the women movement in Macedonia from different ethnic backgrounds gathered at a seminar on Transformation of Conflicts and Peace Building and founded Antico as a feminist response to the needs of the women’s movement for a different way of organizing and strengthening of the women’s identity and power through overcoming ethnic borders

Women’s Civic Initiative ANTICO antico@t-home.mk ; antiko@antiko.org.mk www.antiko.org.mk

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ,,Peace and Security – Feminist Alternative’’ Antico – 10 Years of Promotion of Culture of Peace and Non-violence Through Social Engagement of Women Skopje, 05 – 06 October 2009

Antico, a Women’s Civic Initiative is celebrating 10th anniversary this year. In September 1999, during the time of the Kosovo war and refuge crises, women activists and leaders in the women movement in Macedonia from different ethnic backgrounds gathered at a seminar on Transformation of Conflicts and Peace Building and founded Antico as a feminist response to the needs of the women’s movement for a different way of organizing and strengthening of the women’s identity and power through overcoming ethnic borders. Our initiatives have ever since been directed towards:

  • Establishing of just peace and culture of non violence through creation of safe space for debating and coexistence of the differences and equal division of power regardless of the gender and ethnic belongings.
  • Promotion the multiethnic women engagement and equal participation of women and men in public and political life.
  • Eradicating the patriarchal ideology in the Macedonian society and globally. Because we believe that these are among the most important preconditions for achieving sustainable peace in local and global frames. In order to celebrate the10 years anniversary we organize an International Conference on Security and Peace: A Feminist Alternative; “Antico: 10 years Promoting Culture of Peace and Non violence Through Public Engagement of Women.”

The goals of the Conference are:

  • To provide space for exchange of views, experience and knowledge among women rights activists, feminists and peace activists living in different contexts: in “peace”, recovered from war and under military conflict and occupation.
  • To open channels for communication and strengthen relations between feminists and activists, contributing to women’s empowerment and solidarity.
  • To debate constructive alternatives to the policy of militarization and war which generate violence and insecurity. To challenge the traditional concepts of peace and war, power and security by linking feminist theories and experiences of women in peace and war.

Much of what Antico was able to achieve was thanks to women’s organizations, feminists and peace activists and foundations that acknowledged our work and mission and have been providing us with institutional support but most importantly solidarity support and exchange which further motivated us to be true to our mission. Women’s Civic Initiative ANTICO

The Programme:

PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE PROGRAMME 9.00 – 9.30 Registration Day 1: Monday , 5th October Security and Violence; Peace and War. 9.30 - 10.00 Opening. Antico: 10 Years of Promoting Culture of Peace and Non violence. 1. Gjuner Nebiu, President of Antico 2. Nadica Velickoska, Managing Director 10.00 – 12.30 Session 1: Challenging Peace and Security Concepts. 10.00 – 11.30 Violence Against Women: From Peace to War, from Public to Private Space: Security for Whom? 1. Boriana Jönsson, Sweden/Bulgaria 2. Igballe Rogova, Kosova, 3. Leyla Al Ali, Lebanon 11.30 – 12.00 Coffee break 12.00 - 13.30 Women’s Participation in Decision Making Process to Promote Another Culture of Non - violence. 1. Eva Britt Svensson, EPM, Sweden, 2. Sonja Lokar, Stability Pact GTF, Slovenia, 3. Gordana Lukac- Koritnik, Gender Equality Ombusdman, Croatia 4. Liljana Popovska – MP, Macedonia 13.30 – 15.00 Lunch 15.00 - 18.00 Session 2: Militarization and Social Disarmament. 15.00 – 16.00 Increasing of Militarization: Consequences for Women from Fundamental Rights to Daily Life. 1. Lilian Halls French, France 2. Lepa Mladenovic, Serbia 3. Nadera Kevorkian-Palestine Women’s Civic Initiative ANTICO| Address: Tale Hristov Lamela 1 Lokal 9; 1000 Skopje, Macedonia | phone/++ 389 (0)2 2614 641 fax/++389(0)2 2 60 11 12 | e-mail: antico@t-home.mk ; antiko@antiko.org.mk www.antiko.org.mk 2 Women’s Civic Initiative ANTICO Women’s Civic Initiative ANTICO| Address: Tale Hristov Lamela 1 Lokal 9; 1000 Skopje, Macedonia | phone/++ 389 (0)2 2614 641 fax/++389(0)2 2 60 11 12 | e-mail: antico@t-home.mk ; antiko@antiko.org.mk www.antiko.org.mk 3 16.30 – 16.45 Coffee break 16.45 – 18.00 Military: Solving or Perpetuating Conflicts: Palestine, Iraq, Georgia:What about EU? 1. Samma Aweidah, Palestine 2. Yanar Mohammed, Iraq 3. Lika Nadaraja, Georgia 19.30 - Dinner DAY 2: Tuesday, 6th October From Militarism to Feminist Alternative Policies Towards Just Peace. 9.00 – 12.30 Session 3: Militarism, Patriarchy and Religious Fundamentalisms: Mutual Strengthening . 9.00 – 10.30 Religious Fundamentalisms and Women’s Civil Rights. Reproductive and Sexual Rights, Women in the Public Space. 1. Nina Sankari, Poland 2. Gulser Kayir, Turkey 3. Sanja Juras, Croatia 4. Mirjana Najcevska, Macedonia 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break 11.00 – 12.30 Security, Violence, Patriarchy: Fighting Social Tolerance and Impunity Towards Violence Against Women. 1. Aferdita Haxhijaha – Imeri, Macedonia 2. Nicoletta Pirotta, Italia 3. Angelika Arutyunova, USA 4. Svetlana Djurkovic, BIH 12.30 – 14.00 Lunch Women’s Civic Initiative ANTICO Women’s Civic Initiative ANTICO| Address: Tale Hristov Lamela 1 Lokal 9; 1000 Skopje, Macedonia | phone/++ 389 (0)2 2614 641 fax/++389(0)2 2 60 11 12 | e-mail: antico@t-home.mk ; antiko@antiko.org.mk www.antiko.org.mk 4 14.00 – 17.30 Session 4: Feminist Alternative Strategies from Local to International Level. 14.00 – 15.00 Local Community Initiatives and Peace Building in the Society. 1. Jadranka Milicevic, BIH 2. Teuta Ajeti, Macedonia 3. Ervina Dabidzinovic , Monte Negro 15.00 – 16.00 Implementation of International Conventions, Resolutions (CEDAW ; UNSCR1325; UNSCR1820). 1. Leyla Hamarneh, Jordan 2. Kerstin Grebäck, WILPF, Sweden 4. Elena Grozdanova, Macedonia 16.00 – 16.30 Coffee break 16.30 – 17.30 Opening a Space for Solidarity Cooperation for Feminist and Peace Activists. 1. Amal Nassan, Palestine 2. Marta Drury, USA 3. Ivana Kahrmann, Srbija 19.30 - Gala Dinner


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