IFE Italia

Dichiarazione di IFE-EFI Europa e AISHA dopo la Conferenza di Beirut sulle violenze contro le donne

testo originale in inglese
sabato 8 gennaio 2011 par ifeitalia

Arab Women Forum AISHA and European Feminist Initiative IFE-EFI marked the Global Campaign “16 Days of Activism against Violence against Women” as partners of the International Conference “Structures of Patriarchal Violence against Women: En-gendering Peace and Human Security” organized on 23rd -24th November in Beirut


Arab Women Forum AISHA and European Feminist Initiative IFE-EFI marked the Global Campaign “16 Days of Activism against Violence against Women” as partners of the International Conference “Structures of Patriarchal Violence against Women: En-gendering Peace and Human Security” organized on 23rd -24th November in Beirut by Association Najdeh, Lebanon and followed by an organizational meeting between the two networks held on 25th November.

One of the biggest anachronisms of our century is that women all over the world are suffering and dying just because they are women. Conservative and fundamentalist movements are launching unprecedented attacks against the rights that women gained through their hard struggles. Women are subject to increasing economical violence aggravated by neoliberal policies that use them as a reserve of low paid or non paid work. The systematic violence against women sustained by the patriarchal gender power structures in the societies in peace is exacerbated during times of war and occupation. Women are the first victims of all military conflicts, occupation and displacement.

AISHA and IFE-EFI together denounce the existing patriarchal security concept based on military force and the ability of continuous destruction and militarization of the world as well as security policy unable to stop the violence against women in public and private spheres. They strive to develop common spaces of thought and action in order to build a world free of all dominations.

To reach a solution for ending violence, it is necessary to address and unveil the interplay of all its aspects: personal, structural and cultural. Therefore AISHA and IFE-EFI pledge no compromises of women´s basic rights in the name of tradition, culture or religion and promote a secular and civil state where religion is separated from state politics and structures.

At the political level, AISHA and IFE-EFI claim equal participation of women in public and political sphere and demand an urgent prioritization of women´s rights and gender equality on the political agendas. A real democracy, justice and peace cannot be achieved in the oppression of half of the population in the world.

Arab Women Forum AISHA and European Feminist Initiative IFE-EFI denounce and oppose violence against women in all its forms – be it cultural, economic; political or domestic - as the most persistent and cruel form of patriarchal control and domination over women. AISHA and IFE-EFI appeal to all women and men, to all democratic and progressive movements to unite in solidarity with the feminist struggle to end violence against women and to pose this issue as a democratic demand toward governments, international and UN bodies. Beirut 25th, November 2010


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