IFE Italia

Manifesto per la laicità in Medio Oriente e nell’Africa del Nord

Appello internazionale
giovedì 27 ottobre 2011

riceviamo da Soad Baba Aissa, responsabile del gruppo di lavoro sulla laicità di IFE Europa,

e volentieri pubblichiamo



Les protestations de 2009 en Iran et le Printemps Arabe qui a suivi pourrait faire se lever une nouvelle aurore pour le peuple de la région et du monde. Les manifestations ont clairement montré que le peuple dans la région, comme partout, veut vivre au XXI° siècle.

Nous sous signés, soulignons leur dimension moderne et humaine et soutenons de tout coeur cet immense tournant historique.

Nous nous opposons avec véhemence à ce qu’il soit détourné par l’islamisme ou par la militarisation sous l’égide des Etats Unis et reitérons l’appel pour un Moyen Orient et une Afrique du Nord libres et laiques, lancé par les citoyens et particulièrelent les femmes de la région.

La laicité est le pré-requis minimum pour assurer la liberté et l’égalité de tous les citoyens, et cela inclue: 1. la totale separation de la religion et de l’état. 2. l’abolition des lois religieuses en matière familiale et dans le code penal. 3. la séparation de la religion et du système d’éducation. 4. la liberté de religion et d’athéisme, définis comme croyances personnelles. 5. l’interdiction de l’apartheid sexuel et du voile obligatoire.


The 2009 protests in Iran followed by the Arab Spring have the potential to herald a new dawn for the people of the region and the world. The protests have clearly shown that people in the region, like people everywhere, want to live 21st century lives.

We, the undersigned, emphasise their modern and human dimension and wholeheartedly welcome this immense and historical development.

We are vehemently opposed to their hijacking by Islamism or US-led militarism and support the call for a free and secular Middle East and North Africa made by citizens and particularly women in the region.

Secularism is a minimum precondition for the freedom and equality of all citizens and includes:

1. Complete separation of religion from the state. 2. Abolition of religious laws in the family, civil and criminal codes. 3. Separation of religion from the educational system. 4. Freedom of religion and atheism as private beliefs. 5. Prohibition of sex apartheid and compulsory veiling.

First Signatories:

Anne Marie Waters, Spokesperson, One Law for All, UK Cherifa Kheddar, President of Djazairouna, Algeria Lino Veljak, Department of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia Marieme Helie Lucas , Algeria Maryam Namazie, Spokesperson, Equal Rights Now – Organisation against Women’s Discrimination in Iran, UK Mina Ahadi, Spokesperson, International Committees against Stoning and Execution, Germany Pragna Patel, UK Protagora, Zagreb Secularism Is A Women’s Issue, (International network) Stasa Zajovic, Belgrade, Serbia Southall Black Sisters, London, UK Women In Black, Belgrade

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Immagini utilizzate nel sito, quando non autonomamente prodotte:

Artiste contemporanee :
Rosetta Acerbi "Amiche" per la rubrica "amiche di penna compagne di strada" dal suo sito
Renata Ferrari "Pensando da bimba" sito "www.artesimia5.it" per la rubrica "speranze e desideri"
Giovanna Garzoni "Fiori" per la Rubrica "L'Europa che vorremmo" sul sito artsblog
Tutti i diritti su tali immagini sono delle autrici sopra citate

Pittrici del passato:
Artemisia Gentileschi "La Musa della Storia" per la rubrica "A piccoli passi" da artinthepicture.com
Berthe Morisot "La culla" per la rubrica "Eccoci" sito reproarte.com
Mary Cassat "Donna in lettura in giardino" per la rubrica "Materiali di approfondimento" "Sito Salone degli artisti"

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