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Letter of solidarity to the struggle of women in the world

World Social Forum 2011 - Dakar (Senegal) From February 6 to 11
venerdì 11 marzo 2011

In this year the World Social Forum, for the 3rd time in 2006 after Mali and Kenya in 2007, joins the peoples of Africa, we as women from different parts of the world met in Dakar, aware that the union our forces will eventually bring about change, reaffirm our solidarity and admiration for the struggles of women in Senegal, African women and women of the world. Their struggles, along with the struggles of all men and women, strengthen the resistance led throughout against the patriarchal capitalist system and globalization.

As of today we still experiencing the same global crises - economic, food, environmental and social - and we note with concern that these attacks continue and deepen. Here we reformulate our analysis that these crises are not isolated but are the expression of the crisis model characterized by the exploitation of labor and the environment, and financial speculation in the economy. That’s why we women, we continue to say that we must change this model of society, this economic model, this model of production and consumption, which generates more poverty for our people and especially for women.

We women are sensitive to respect and defend the principles of justice, peace and solidarity, we need to advance in the construction of alternatives to address these crises, however, palliative answers based on market logic does not concern us not.

We can not accept that attempts to maintain the current system in place are made at the expense of women.

In this sense, we say no to intolerance and persecution of sexual diversity and cultural practices that undermine health, body and soul of women.

We condemn all forms of violence against women, femicide in particular, trafficking of women, forced prostitution, physical abuse, sexual harassment, female genital mutilation, early marriages, forced marriages, rape, rape used systematically as a weapon of war, and impunity for those who commit these acts of horror against women.

We still say no to any company that flouts the rights of women, not allowing them access to resources, land, credit, employment in decent conditions, where the capital to reproduce itself precarious jobs women.

We condemn the hoarding of land and settlement of farmers and peasants, whatever form, by states or transnational corporations, and we condemn GM crops, which are detrimental to biodiversity and life.

We say no to the arms race and nuclear race, which came at the expense of the States’ investment in social programs, health and education.

We condemn a society that puts women out of access to knowledge and education, where women are discriminated against and marginalized in decision-making.

We say no to armed conflicts and wars and occupations. We say YES to just peace for oppressed peoples.

Given all this, we propose to strengthen our struggles so that our countries have their economic sovereignty, political and cultural face of international financial institutions. We want the cancellation of odious and illegitimate debts and an audit that will allow citizens to seek redress peoples: women owe nothing, they are the first creditor of odious debt.

We also call for effective implementation of the Tobin tax.

We demand food sovereignty of peoples and consumption of local products, use our traditional seeds, and women’s access to land and productive resources.

We want a world where men and women have equal rights, equal opportunities in access to knowledge, schooling, literacy and education and decision-making positions, and the same rights towork and fair wages.

We demand a world where states invest in the health of women and our children, particularly in maternal health.

We call for the ratification and effective implementation of all international conventions, in particular Convention 156 and ILO Convention 183.

We want the democratization of communication and access to information.

We stand in solidarity with Palestinian women for a democratic Palestinian state, independent, sovereign capital in Jerusalem and the return of refugees in accordance with United Nations Resolution 194.

We stand in solidarity with women of Casamance for the return of Peace.

We are with the struggle of peoples to Tunisia and Egypt for democracy.

With Women of the Democratic Republic of Congo to end the conflict.

With Kurdish women, for a democratic society, ecological, free and equal between women and men, and where there is a right to use their mother tongue in education.

We stand in solidarity with the right to self-determination for women Sarahoui in accordance with the UN resolution, and to find a peaceful solution in accordance with the Charter of the Maghreb Social Forum.

We stand in solidarity with all women victims of natural disasters, commme Haiti, Brazil, Pakistan, Australia ...

We stand in solidarity with the millions of women and children refugees and displaced persons.

We call for a return to their land and freedom of movement.

We propose the creation of networks of alerts and information about and for women who are in areas of conflict or occupation. We offer on March 30 as International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people and we call for a boycott products from Israeli occupation. We call for the creation of an International Forum of Solidarity with the Palestinian struggle in 2012.

We all recognize the struggles of all women in the world and we endorse their claims: what happens to one of us, it happens to us all. That is why we must fight all together.

Dakar, February 11, 2011

Signatory organizations:

World March of Women La Via Campesina The Women’s International Democratic Federation (PIF) Feminist Articulation Marcosur IFWF - International Free Women’s Foundation WILDAF - Senegal (Women in Law and Development in Africa) AWID CADTM - commits for the Cancellation of Third World Debt WIDE Latin American Continental Organization of Students (OCLAE) UBM - Union of Brazilian Women Cebrapaz (Brazil) CTB (Brazil) CUT (Brazil) AMB - Articulation of Brazilian Women Democratic Women’s Freedom Movement DOKH " Kurdish Women Peace Office Coordinación de Mujeres del Paraguay CMP Isis International Red de Mujeres de AMARC (AMARC-RIM/AMARC-RIF/AMARC-WIN).

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I’m impressed, I must say

20 ottobre 201608:43, di japan.comp234
Thank you so much Love your blog.. Long Tail Pro

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