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Dal The Palestinian Feminist Collective

venerdì 14 maggio 2021

We hope this email finds you as well as can be.

By now, you are probably all aware of the mounting crisis unfolding in Palestine. Palestinians are being expelled from their homes in Jerusalem, particularly in Sheikh Jarrah, are barred from worshipping in the Al-Aqsa Compound, and are being tormented, beaten, brutalized and killed by Israeli state and settler violence throughout historic Palestine. Most recently, airstrikes have been launched on the Gaza Strip, killing 109 people including 28 children.

The Palestinian Feminist Collective calls on us all to Rise Up, alongside Palestinians, who are fighting life and limb for their homes, lives and land. Below are ways you can support and partake in the struggle to realize freedom for Palestine and Palestinians.

1. SHARE THE PFC’s "A LOVE LETTER TO OUR PEOPLE” We issued this letter out of love for the steadfastness and resilience being demonstrated by our people, particularly our Palestinian sisters across historic Palestine. If you are interested in reading this letter at any demonstration, please record it and email it to palestinianfeminists@gmail.com.

2. CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES Representative Marie Newman is leading a letter urging the Biden Administration to STOP Israel’s imminent plan to forcibly displace nearly 2,000 Palestinians in the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Al-Bustan and Sheikh Jarrah. This is a time to stand together and take a stand for Palestinian rights, especially here in the U.S. where our own government finances Israel’s cruel military to the tune of $3.8B a year.

3. SIGN THE PETITION #StopJerusalemExpulsions and #SaveSheikhJarrah

4. JOIN NAKBA DAY ACTIONS IN YOUR CITIES! Scroll to the bottom of this "Joint Statement by Palestinians in North America on Nakba Day" to find a full list of actions taking place across various cities in North America this upcoming weekend.

5. AMPLIFY THE VOICES OF PALESTINIANS ON THE GROUND: Corporate media is distorting the narrative of what is actually happening. Social media tech giants are suppressing Palestinian posts. Please continue to talk, teach, post and share the news of what is happening by amplifying Palestinian voices.


#StopJerusalemExpulsions #SaveSheikhJarrah




6. FOLLOW US on Facebook for updates and actions!

With deep love and solidarity,

The Palestinian Feminist Collective

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Artemisia Gentileschi "La Musa della Storia" per la rubrica "A piccoli passi" da artinthepicture.com
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Mary Cassat "Donna in lettura in giardino" per la rubrica "Materiali di approfondimento" "Sito Salone degli artisti"

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