IFE Italia


martedì 15 febbraio 2011.

IFE-EFI ife@efi-europa.org Tunisia , Egypt, Algeria !!! People want to get rid of/claim “OUT” to / their dictatorial regimes and mobilized themselves in a powerful movement for justice and democracy, against corruption, violence and poverty.

To day the Algerian power try to contain the will of the people by repressing it violently , but hundreds of thousands of men and women go on expressing together a clear political will : dismanstling this regime and installing a process of democratic transition . European Feminist Initiative (IFE-EFI), feminist network fighting discrimination against women and all forms of domination firmly condemns the repression against the Algerian people . We express our support to the Algerian democratic movement in their struggle for economic, political and social justice, and achieving their right for freedom democracy and for a decent life Once more we denounce the policy of the European Union which has been supporting corrupted and authoritarian leaders for decades . We express our deep solidarity with the feminist movement in Algeria and with their fight to make the voices of women heard. We support them, together with all the components of the democratic movement, in their fight for democracy that implies gender equality, self- determination and freedom of any kind of religious interference in the public and political life. European Feminist Initiative (IFE-EFI) calls women and men in Europe to protest in each of their countries against the violence of the police , against the arrests of the demonstrators and to express their solidarity to the algerian people , they need it now more than ever (never ?)

European IFE-EFI coordination Février 2011

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Immagini utilizzate nel sito, quando non autonomamente prodotte:

Artiste contemporanee :
Rosetta Acerbi "Amiche" per la rubrica "amiche di penna compagne di strada" dal suo sito
Renata Ferrari "Pensando da bimba" sito "www.artesimia5.it" per la rubrica "speranze e desideri"
Giovanna Garzoni "Fiori" per la Rubrica "L'Europa che vorremmo" sul sito artsblog
Tutti i diritti su tali immagini sono delle autrici sopra citate

Pittrici del passato:
Artemisia Gentileschi "La Musa della Storia" per la rubrica "A piccoli passi" da artinthepicture.com
Berthe Morisot "La culla" per la rubrica "Eccoci" sito reproarte.com
Mary Cassat "Donna in lettura in giardino" per la rubrica "Materiali di approfondimento" "Sito Salone degli artisti"

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